Manufacturing & WMS Software

Fully customizable and integrated with ERP:

  • Shop floor orders management
  • Shop floor tracking (data collection)
  • Inventory Management (material traceability)
  • Deliveries & Shipment management
  • Maintenance management
  • and more…

Our complete solution:

For almost 20 years of our presence in the manufacturing industry, we’ve implemented a wide set of software solutions that support almost every process that exist in the manufacturing.


Shop floor operations management

Our solution addressed for manufacturing companies covers a wide area of processes that exist in this industry: shop floor orders issuing, mobile work orders, production reporting, maintenance management, machinery integration, , KPI/ OEE dashboards, and more!


Warehouse management (WMS)

Our WMS solution addresses all the features that are expected from a modern warehouse management software: deliveries management, picking, counting, inventory moves,  shop floor cooperation, material traceability, finished goods shipment and more!  


Flexible technology behind the solutions

Every advanced enterprise software must be customizable. That's why we've built our solutions in the low-code platform, which gives our customers the ability to implement unlimited modifications, without asking external vendors for a help!






Work mobile and report every operation

  • The mobile shop floor application provides all the details about work orders (including the technical documentation).
  • Employees immediately see recent data after the schedule has been updated (online).
  • Operators report their work (task status), and the information is directly exchanged with the ERP / planning system.
  • Operators can easily report the time they spend on tasks. 

Connect internal logistics with the shop floor

  • Your internal logistics may use the same mobile application as your shop floor operators.
  • All the material delivery requests, material return requests or packaging return requests issued from the work center at the production line are immediately visible to logistics operators.
  • When logistics start delivery, production immediately gets a status update.

Implement full material traceability

  • Since your shop floor orders are fully connected with the material delivery orders in the WMS module, all material moves and material consumptions are fully traced in our solution.
  • Each production operation that requires material is reported in our solution to achieve full material traceability up to the batch / LOT and series number. 
  • You can also individually track the serial numbers of all components used in the production.

Manage your returnable packaging / containers

  • Some types of production require components that are shipped in dedicated reusable boxes (like KLT).
  • A lack of these containers (caused by damages, missing, delays) might have a huge impact on the entire delivery, could cause delays and financial penalties.
  • With Novacura you can manage your returnable packaging and establish a traceability of all the packages that flow in a loop between you, your suppliers and customers.

Cooperate with your suppliers

  • Use B2B Portal to streamline your cooperation with your suppliers and customers.
  • Report your demand, place purchase orders, confirm delivery schedule, report quality issues, create and accept invoices and track these processes – all without unnecessary paperwork, e-mails and phone calls.

Track actual data & optimize the entire process

  • Production efficiency can be precisely measured – you can gather information from all departments that use mobile applications and read them directly from your devices.
  • Novacura Flow is equipped with different industrial connectors (BLE, OPC-UA, PLC, RFID) which allow it to read other online information from other devices and machines.

Present KPIs on the big screens on the shop floor

  • Use ”Info tables” located on the shop floor to inform production staff about their tasks and production plans.
  • Visualize your KPIs to increase the motivation and trigger corrective activities.
  • Precisely evaluate OEE (based on the information reported in our mobile applications on every production stage)

Incorporate maintenance and reduce downtime

  • In our solution, Production management and Maintenance management are parts of the same manufacturing solution.
  • The service team can fit maintenance activities into production plans, even if they change every hour.
  • Whenever downtime is identified on the shop floor, the maintenance team can be automatically notified in the mobile application and start activities before the machine operator starts calling for help. That will help reduce MTW.

Warehouse management (WMS):

Improve data-entry efficiency with barcodes and RFID​

  • The Novacura WMS package runs on all the popular mobile devices: barcode scanners, mobile phones and tablets.
  • It supports barcode scanning from any packages, materials, finished goods or locations.
  • The mobile app's provides the ability to scan data instead of entering it from a keyboard, with a user-friendly and customizable interface.
  • Mobile app's can also integrate with RFID gates and automatically track information on parts and finished goods moving within inventory.

Print, scan and manage labels directly from the ERP application​

  • WMS package integrated with the labeling systems – Loftware (previously NiceLabel) and BarTender.
  • Mobile applications can initiate the label printing process and feed the label system with all necessary data.
  • Labelling operations are handled by the single software and all actions can be taken integrally within one tool.
  • Integration is bi-directional, with precise flow of information encoded on labels.

Use handling units

  • Flexible mechanism to organize materials, components and parts stored in packages.

  • Users can define a whole hierarchy of packages (called "handling units") – where the smaller package can be stored in a bigger package, and this can be stored on a pallet.

  • The handling units can be easily transferred from one location to another, to the shop floor, or to the shipment area.

Integrate with the inventory equipment (with iIoT)

  • WMS package (powered by Novacura Flow technology) can be integrated with iIoT machinery, equipment and other devices that operate in a warehouse.

  • The connectivity may be used is the integration with industrial robots, conveyor belts, packing machines, scales.

  • An automated material requisition directly to the production line at shop foor.

Optimize picking paths

  • Picking of various materials and components for production.

  • Enabling operability in a "JIT" environment.

  • Optimizing the picking path based on location, weight, further unloading order or even the expiration date of certain goods.

Manage your deliveries and shipments

  • Novacura WMS package supports the management of deliveries and can be used to manage the shipment of goods to customers.

  • Access to customized B2B portals to confirm the delivery schedule with your suppliers and book a suitable time slot and free ramp for unloading.

  • Integration with external transport exchange systems (such as PaceJet) and support in finding an optimal transport method for your shipment.

Recognize your supplier’s codification

  • The Novacura solution supports multiple codes for the same goods and can automatically recognize foreign codes and map them to internal codes.
  • A single system for the entire flow of goods.

Integrate with other departments

  • The WMS package can be connected to other packages that support other departments in the company - quality control, production, procurement, maintenance and more.
  • The warehouse worker can pick materials based on a material requisition issued by a production planning specialist using another element of the Novacura package.
  • Defective components can be reported by the warehouse worker, who can immediately arrange for additional internal transportation to bring the correct components directly to the workstation.

Flexible Technology Behind the solutions:

Process of ERP modification using Novacura Flow, photo by Novacura

Ready for future changes thanks to the low-code core!

  • Our solutions are built on our low-code platform - "Novacura Flow"
  • Thanks to that, all applications that build our solutions are not hard-coded; our customers can modify or clone them and create variants.
  • All these modifications can be done by the customers themselves without the need for the application vendor's support; it can be done in days, not months!
  • Mobile applications can be created based on the low-code engine, which means that users can create applications by drawing them as they would draw a business process (BPM).

Check how easily you can modify any element of our solution!




Detailed List of features

Here you can download a complete list of features that can be offered by our solutions for manufacturing and warehouse management. Keep in mind, that since our solutions are based on the low-code platform (Novacura Flow), they are highly customizable. We don't implement them as ready-made closed solutions -  the implementation is always predeceased by the system analysis, where we precisely discuss requirements and adjust solution components to the specific needs.


THE Simplified Implementation PROCESS:

The implementation process takes less time than usual. We have a flexible solution that can be easily integrated with existing systems.



Contact Us:

Rayner Bröndrup

Sales Manager

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