
Service Descriptions

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Business Area Component Name Description URL
Customer Sucess AMS Incident Management Read more
SKU: C00001
Description: AMS team receive, prioritize and resolve incidents in accordance to best practice methods and defined SLA's.
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Customer Sucess AMS Problem Management Read more
SKU: C00002
Description: AMS team identification and long-term resolution (root cause analysis) of recurring or complex issues within supported applications.
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Customer Sucess AMS Support ticketing system Read more
SKU: C00003
Description: Jira Service Management - ticketing system and single point of contact for customer. Accessed through https://novacurasupport.atlassian.net/
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Customer Sucess AMS Application Support Read more
SKU: C00004
Description: Includes incident and problem management on delivered solution.
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Customer Sucess AMS Application Operation Read more
SKU: C00005
Description: Proactive monitoring and maintenance of delivered solution.
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Customer Sucess AMS Application Maintenance Read more
SKU: C00006
Description: Proactive patch advice and installations of patches on customer request.
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Customer Sucess AMS Customer Onboarding Read more
SKU: C00007
Description: Onboarding of customer to Novacura Customer Success.
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Customer Sucess AMS Support Reports Read more
SKU: C00008
Description: SLA and statistics delivered to customer on a regular basis
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Customer Sucess AMS Service Manager Read more
SKU: C00011
Description: Single point of contact for Support/AMS when it comes to fulfillment of Support related services including Service Level Agreement, Operations and maintenance activities.
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Customer Sucess AMS Services on request Read more
SKU: C00012
Description: Multiple services that can be requested after call-off.
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Customer Sucess AMS Database copy PROD to TEST Read more
SKU: C00013
Description: Creating a replica or clone of the production database in a separate environment for testing, development or troubleshooting purposes.
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Customer Sucess AMS SLA level Gold (Flow) Read more
SKU: C00014
Description: SLA level Gold offers response times within 2 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 8 hours for medium and 16 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Gold is 04:30 - 23:00 CEST except for public holidays in customer agreed time zone.
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Customer Sucess AMS SLA level Silver (Flow) Read more
SKU: C00015
Description: SLA level Silver offers response times within 4 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 16 hours for medium and 24 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Silver is 08:00 - 23:00 CEST weekdays, except for public holidays in customer agreed time zone.
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Customer Sucess AMS SLA level Standard (Flow) Read more
SKU: C00016
Description: SLA level Standard offers response times within 8 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 24 hours for medium and 40 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Standard is 08:00 - 17:00 CEST, except for public holidays in Sweden.
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Customer Sucess AMS SLA level Gold (IFS) Read more
SKU: C00017
Description: LA level Gold offers response times within 2 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 8 hours for medium and 16 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Gold is 24/7, 04:30 - 17:00 CEST, weekdays, except for public holidays in customer agreed time zone.
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Customer Sucess AMS SLA level Silver (IFS) Read more
SKU: C00018
Description: SLA level Silver offers response times within 4 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 16 hours for medium and 24 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Silver is 08:00 - 17:00 CEST, weekdays, except for public holidays in customer agreed time zone.
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Customer Sucess AMS SLA level Standard (IFS) Read more
SKU: C00019
Description: SLA level Standard offers response times within 8 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 24 hours for medium and 40 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Standard is 9/5 08:00 - 17:00 in customer agreed time zone weekdays, except for public holidays in Sweden.
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Customer Sucess AMS IFS Customization Support Read more
SKU: C00020
Description: Support on customized objects within an IFS installation, commonly known as CRIM(s) (Configuration, Report, Integration, Modification).
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Customer Sucess AMS Export of data using Oracle tools Read more
SKU: C00021
Description: Export of data using Oracle tools and utilities, Oracle Data Pump (expdp) or Oracle Export (exp)
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Customer Sucess AMS Extract data from tables to Excel Read more
SKU: C00022
Description: Extract data from database tables to Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format
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Customer Sucess AMS Setup Oracle database links Read more
SKU: C00023
Description: Setup Oracle database links to establish connections between different Oracle databases
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Customer Sucess AMS Migration jobs Read more
SKU: C00024
Description: Define, setup and migration jobs based on customer requirements to extract database data and schema structure to another database
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Customer Sucess Customer Success Customer Onboarding Read more
SKU: C00032
Description: The complete process of onboarding a customer to Novacura's services post sales. Includes the provisioning of a Customer Success Manager that act as the single point of contact for the customer during its journey as a Novacura customer.
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Customer Sucess Product Support Incident Management Read more
SKU: C00025
Description: Product Support team receive, prioritize and resolve incidents in accordance to best practice methods
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Customer Sucess Product Support Problem Management Read more
SKU: C00026
Description: Product Support team identification and long-term resolution (root cause analysis) of recurring or complex issues within supported applications
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Customer Sucess Product Support Support ticketing system Read more
SKU: C00027
Description: Jira Service Management - ticketing system and single point of contact for customer. Accessed through https://novacurasupport.atlassian.net/
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Customer Sucess Product Support Support Onboarding Read more
SKU: C00028
Description: Documentation handover and onboarding of customer to JSM and to support team
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Customer Sucess Product Support SLA level Gold (General) Read more
SKU: C00029
Description: SLA level Gold offers response times within 2 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 8 hours for medium and 16 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Gold is 04:30 - 23:00 CET except for public holidays in customer agreed time zone.
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Customer Sucess Product Support SLA level Silver (General) Read more
SKU: C00030
Description: SLA level Silver offers response times within 4 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 16 hours for medium and 24 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Silver is 08:00 - 23:00 CET weekdays, except for public holidays in customer agreed time zone
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Customer Sucess Product Support SLA level Standard (General) Read more
SKU: C00031
Description: SLA level Standard offers response times within 8 hours for incidents classified as high priority, 24 hours for medium and 40 hours for incidents classified as low priority. Opening hours for SLA level Standard is 08:00 - 17:00 CET, except for public holidays in Sweden.
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Customer Sucess IFS Support Center Services Read more
SKU: C00009
Description: Act as Partner Prime towards IFS including submitting bugs to IFS through IFS Service center (requires that the customers agreement with IFS allows this and that the customer is on a supported version of IFS) Follow up on bugs and report status back to the customer Inform the Customer on news from IFS related to both the product and services Request patches and other software related requests on behalf of the customer Act as a trusted advisor to the customer in regards to IFS updates and Oracle updates Escalate cases towards IFS when required
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Customer Sucess Customer Succes Manager Read more
SKU: C00010
Description: Acts as the customers advocate, ensuring customer value of delivered solutions and products throughout the customer lifecycle. Onboards the customer and assists customers getting started with the product or services, can be in close collaboration with the Services Implementation project. The CSM can work in the project but even if not, constantly keeping track of the Customer Onboarding plan. Engages that customer in a proactive way and builds strong relationship with the customer. Knows the customer business and how delivered solution matches the customer objectives. Constantly challenges the customer in terms of gaining increased benefit out of delivered solution and/or potential upsell activities that increases probability to reach customer objectives.
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Novacura Flow Classic Platform Flow Server Flow Server Read more More
SKU: P00001
Description: The Novacura Flow Server can be hosted both On Premise or in Cloud (referred to as Novacura Cloud Services). It manages boht all platform related information, like Users, Access, and Applications and exeutes workflows. The Server does not store any data produced by workflow applications.
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Novacura Flow Classic Platform Flow Server Server management tool Read more More
SKU: P00002
Description: Use the Novacura Flow server management tool to do a new Flow server installation, upgrade and apply service packs.
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Novacura Flow Classic Platform Flow Server Server Security Settings Read more More
SKU: P00003
Description: Security Setting controls for Studio availablitiy, time-outs, and account locking. Server security settings are accessed and modified through editing the Web.config file in the Flow Server installation directory.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Monitoring and Availability SLA Read more
SKU: O00005
Description: 99.9% uptime excluding planned maintenance and issues outside of our control
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Monitoring and Availability Health Monitoring Read more
SKU: O00006
Description: All Production environments have the Application Insights service installed. And Non-Production environments can also get Application Insights installed by request. It is used to monitor live applications in Azure. It will automatically detect performance anomalies and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users do with our applications. It monitors:• Request rates, response times, and failure rates: Find out which pages are most popular, at what times of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.• Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates: Find out whether external services are slowing you down.• Exceptions: Analyze the aggregated statistics or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.• Page views and load performance: reported by your users' browsers.• User and session counts.• Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network usage.• Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.• Diagnostic trace logs from applications: so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Monitoring and Availability Application Availability and Downtime confirmation Read more
SKU: O00007
Description: Here in Novacura, we also configure the Application Insights to check if our applications still accessible from different locations (actually, 3 to 5 different locations) every 5 minutes. The locations are usually selected by region. For example, if an environment is installed in the Central US datacenter, the locations selected to check its availability are usually different datacenters in the US.The Success criteria is HTTP Response 200.The Downtime Confirmation criteria is a timeout of 120 seconds.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Processes Recovery Point Objective (RPO) Read more
SKU: O00001
Description: RPO is age of files that must be recovered from backup storage for normal operations to resume if a computer, system, or network goes down because of a hardware, program or communications failure. Some of the features implemented by Novacura are: - Daily backups of Novacura Flow - 14 Backup retention days for PROD and 7 Backup retention days for TEST - Backups are stored in different datacenters
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Processes Recovery Time Objective (RTO) Read more
SKU: O00002
Description: RTO is the quantity of time that an application, system and/or process, can be down for without causing significant damage to the business as well as the time spent restoring the application and its data. Our objective is to restore an environment in 24 hours.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Processes Automated Deployments Read more
SKU: O00003
Description: Novacura uses automated deployments scripts, which allows that a new instance can be easily recreated in a different location with the same characteristics and configuration existing before.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Processes Staging Slots Read more
SKU: O00004
Description: A Staging Slot is used during an application upgrade. Basically, our automated deployment scripts create a new application, with the new software version, and applies all configuration and data existing in the original environment, creating a Staging Slot. Therefore, we do not overwrite the original environment during an upgrade but creates a new one. After its completion, we swap the old environment with the new one, preserving the original application as it was and promoting the new application to production.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Security Front Door (Not available standard edition) Read more
SKU: O00008
Description: Front Door will route your client requests to the fastest and most available application backend. Front Door provides a range of traffic-routing methods and backend (e.g., redirecting HTTP request to HTTPS) health monitoring options to suit different application needs and automatic failover scenarios.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Security Web Application Firewall (Not available standard edition) Read more
SKU: O00009
Description: Natively integrated and platform managed, Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides protection of your web applications from common exploits and vulnerabilities. Web applications are increasingly the targets of malicious attacks such as denial-of-service floods, SQL injection attacks, and cross-site scripting attacks. Preventing such attacks in application code can be challenging and may require rigorous maintenance, patching, and monitoring at multiple layers of the application topology. A centralized web application firewall helps make security management much simpler and gives better assurance to application administrators against threats or intrusions. In addition, a WAF solution can react to a security threat faster by patching a known vulnerability at a central location, instead of securing each individual web application.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Security Azure Activity Logs Read more
SKU: O00010
Description: Each application maintains an Activity Log. It contains all actions performed by users when changing any Azure environment configuration or application status. For example, we can detect when an application was stopped and who was the user taking this action.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Security Application Detailed Logs Read more
SKU: O00011
Description: Our Server Application also has a detailed log information that contains information from external requests received during its execution. These logs are stored locally with the application and retained for 7 days.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Security IP Whitelist Read more
SKU: O00012
Description: Our applications can be configured to allow access only to a set of IP Addresses, defined by the Customer. This configuration prevents that our Flow Applications are exposed to requests from any place on the Internet.
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Novacura Flow Classic Services CloudOps Security Hybrid Connection Manager Read more
SKU: O00013
Description: Another feature that we use to integrate our Flow Applications to other systems is the Hybrid Connection. It allows you to connect the Flow Applications easily and securely to on-premises resources without any changes to your corporate network.Hybrid Connections requires a relay agent to be deployed where it can reach both the desired endpoint as well as to Azure. The relay agent, Hybrid Connection Manager (HCM), calls out to Azure Relay over port 443. From the web app site, the App Service infrastructure also connects to Azure Relay on your application's behalf. Through the joined connections, your app can access the desired endpoint. The connection uses TLS 1.2 for security and shared access signature (SAS) keys for authentication and authorization.
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